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The first six months

Missionary Bryan Moritz shares a glimpse into his family's first six months in Papua New Guinea.

Bryan Moritz says it’s hard to believe that it’s been six months since he and his wife, Shara, and their family stepped into a brand new country, culture and language. 

“Life here is always interesting,” Bryan shares. This is particularly true during political times. He writes that currently there are “loads of people packed in the back of trucks, singing songs and dressed up to draw attention to their candidate of choice. This often goes on much of the day and even during the night on the main road outside our house.”

Along with these candidate parades, Bryan says, there are parties. “They have loud parties and sing all night long.”

These are just a few of many new customs that Bryan and Shara and their children are experiencing.

There is also the shock of prices. Bryan says that currently a gallon of gas or diesel costs $7-$8 and a jar of Nutella spread is $13. “Needless to say,” he adds, “we don’t buy Nutella too often.”

Though Bryan still talks daily to local workers, his official language study has had to stop for awhile. While a number of missionaries are gone this summer, he has had to take a crash course in construction and maintenance.

“I get a bit overwhelmed, but my prayer life has increased as I ask the Lord throughout each day for wisdom. ... Here are some of the things I do: I manage the workers, check the computer for work orders, check big diesel generators, fix solar hot water systems, repair plumbing leaks, order diesel fuel, make buying trips to town, painting, building, cleaning and organizing the shop.”

Bryan and Shara have been blessed by visits from tribal missionaries visiting the center. Bryan writes, “It has been neat to rub shoulders with them as it reminds us of why we are here. We are working in this support ministry so that tribal missionaries can reach tribes with the gospel of Jesus Christ and disciple tribal believers.”

Bryan and Shara look forward to making visits to some of these tribal locations in the months ahead.

Bryan says these months of adjustment have been rich with encouragement from fellow missionaries. And even greater, he has felt God’s encouragement. “I was reading in the Psalms this morning and was encouraged once again how great our God is and that He is in control.  I can stand firm in Him.”

Pray for Bryan and Shara Moritz as they continue to build relationships and grow in their understanding of culture and language.  Pray that God will protect their family and encourage them in His faithfulness as they serve Him in Papua New Guinea.

Tags: Asia-Pacific, Interface, Mission News, Prayer Papua New Guinea,
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2012 by Cathy Drobnick