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A brief taste of tribal life

Recently missionaries Geoff and Shannon Husa, who minister among the Mibu people of Papua New Guinea, had an opportunity to teach a group of Interface students about life in the bush.

It reminded them of their Interface experience in 2000 that lead them into tribal missions and resulted in their current ministry.

With that in mind, Geoff and Shannon invited several of the students to make a side trip to the Mibu village where they live.

Seven young people took the challenge. Jacob and Beth Devine accompanied the group to cook for the team.

The students jumped right into village life. They spent many long hours with the Mibu people, despite the huge cultural and linguistic gap. They tried learning some little tidbits of the Mibu language and culture, and listened to different Mibu testimonials about God's work in their personal lives and the life of the community. They also spent a great deal of time visiting in Mibu homes, gardens and surrounding areas. Through this they formed relationships that served to encourage on all sides.

The Mibus were excited about the opportunity to encourage those whom God may direct toward serving in another people group who has yet to hear the Gospel.

The students were encouraged by seeing the Mibu believers speak of the power of God to change lives and to reach into any language or culture.

Geoff and Shannon were delighted to watch these young people experience the same challenges they did more than ten years ago when they attended an Interface session.

Pray that some of these young people will decide to take the next step in mission involvement. Pray for the Mibu believers as they continue to impact others by their changed lives. Pray too for Geoff and Shannon as they give their lives to help the Mibus grow in their knowledge of God.

Tags: Interface, Mission News, Prayer, Mibu People Papua New Guinea,
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2011 by Dena McMaster