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Reaching Difficult Locations with Local Believers

Reach Them With Their Own Countrymen

There are regions of the world where foreign missions are illegal, extremely difficult, or even potentially deadly -- and sometimes all three. How do we send missionaries into these countries?

National Missionary Training

God is raising up church leaders in limited access countries who are asking NTM to train them to effectively disciple and plant churches. Our immediate goal is to train four national couples at NTM’s USA training center.

But that’s just the start. We want to train them -- and more people -- to train others. We want to see God’s resources and laborers multiplied.

God is raising up church leaders in limited access countries who are asking NTM to train them to effectively disciple and plant churches.
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You Can Partner Too

These national missionaries are already committed to minister, and can get to the places they need to go. New Tribes Mission can provide the training they need.

How about partnering with NTM and these missionaries? The process for them to enter the USA to train can be formidable, and your prayers would be invaluable. You could also pray for their travel and adjustment to life at the training center in Missouri, and that they will be able to study diligently and encouraged. Please also pray for the funds necessary.

If you’d like to help, you can give toward their training.

Tags: Mission News, Prayer, Training, Training Nationals, Training,
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2015