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Hopeful for the harvest

Tim and Andrea Ullum are hoping for a good harvest for God when they present Firm Foundations Bible lessons in 2013.

Tim and Andrea Ullum and their family live in a village near two rivers. Their lives are invested in ministry to the Kendawangan people, who have received them warmly.

“We believe that day by day, God is giving us a voice among the people here,” Tim says. “This year we have started in earnest making lessons and translating Scripture.”

Tim adds that they are asking earnestly for God’s wisdom as they pray and plan toward beginning chronological Bible teaching in 2013.

Andrea shares a glimpse of differences in daily family life there.

She says it’s hard to believe it is fall, in spite of what the calendar hanging on the wall says. The weather has not changed and there are no fall leaves. She misses the changing seasons.

Andrea tries to teach their young daughters, aged 4 and 6 years, about seasons. It takes an intentional effort to feel the change of the seasons, she says, absent any cooler weather.

She and the girls enjoy seasonal craft projects and “apple-y or pumpkin-flavored” treats. Sometimes, she says, they watch “cold” movies like “Frosty the Snowman” while eating popsicles and having a fan blow on them.

Andrea says her days are full.  Every day she pumps water with a hand pump for the family’s drinking, cooking and bathing. Last week, as is often the case, she was called to help in emergencies.  That week they included a little boy with a severe burn, a baby with worms and a grandmother who fell on a piece of sharp wood while feeding her pigs.

“Our family is learning to trust the Father’s daily provision of bread or rice—or even for language or translation co-workers,” Tim shares. “Whatever may be the need of the moment.”

Tim and Andrea see encouraging signs of God’s Hand of blessing on their ministry to the Kandawangan people. “We have seen huge breakthroughs in relationships with neighbors,” Tim writes. “We have also seen God enabling us—even in our weakness.”

True, he says, they have experienced both trials and blessings. “We never would have imagined that laying down our lives as a living sacrifice to our King could be so painful at times, and at the same time so hopeful,” Tim shares.

Tim and Andrea think toward the eternal harvest, they say. They often remember chapter 12 of the Gospel of John where Jesus taught, “… unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” 

Tim shares, “We are so hopeful for the harvest. Pray with us for a harvest of Kandawangan believers—for the glory of our King!”

Tags: Asia-Pacific, Kendawangan People Mission News, Prayer,
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2012 by Cathy Drobnick