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International Day for the Unreached is today! Read More X

Sidebar: "Hey, I Know the Lindseys!"

This is a sidebar for the article Where Bible Education and Missions are One


I’ve had the privilege of knowing Ron Lindsey since I attended EBI as a student 16 years ago. As a student, I didn’t know Ron well, but his story, which he shared with our class, was deeply impactful. For a young student still wrestling with the idea of leaving behind the “American dream” to take the gospel to the unreached — to hear Ron share that, through much suffering, that is what he did —  was deeply moving. No one would have blamed Ron if he had walked away from missionary work, yet Ron and Carrie continued because the salvation of the Siawi people was worth it. I don’t know if Ron and Carrie understand the impact that their decision has had on younger generations like mine or if they know how many of us have chosen to make a similar decision — to leave behind what might be easier or more lucrative — because seeing the unreached come to faith in Christ is worth it.

As I’ve continued to work with Ethnos360, from an EBI student to a church planter in Mexico to a field leader, returning to Waukesha and talking with Ron has always been a highlight. He’s been quick to encourage, quick to build up, quick to share what the Lord has taught him through the years. The progression from knowing Ron as the EBI president to knowing him as a co-worker in the harvest has been a true encouragement, and I’m certain I’m not the only one he has blessed in that way. Regardless of where he continues to serve, I’m certain that he will continue to encourage and inspire others through his faithfulness to Christ that he has shown time and again.

— Peter Hypki, Chairman of Misión Pro-Indígena (Mexico)


I first remember meeting Ron and Carrie Lindsey as parents of a classmate and friend Matt at the EBI back in 2003. Soon they became much more as Ron taught many of the classes I attended. Ron had a passion for the lost to know Jesus; it was evident in how he taught and in his testimony.

 Carrie was my Dean at the EBI, and though she was a quiet soul, her home was always open and a refuge. Carrie taught me that discipleship was about listening first and then leading women to the Word of truth. I remember conversations with her over hot tea, and her wisdom was a light in my years there in Waukesha.

As my husband and I moved on in ministry with the mission to missions training and on to the field of Mexico, into a remote work with the Nahuatl, and eventually into leadership, Ron and Carrie never forgot who we were or where we served. They keep in touch; they have invited us back to Waukesha both to challenge new EBI students and to share in their lives.

 Through their faithfulness, Ron and Carrie communicate Christ and the vision of all nations reached with the gospel. Wherever God leads them next, I am certain that will not change. It has been a privilege to know them and to call them co-laborers.

— Liesl Hypki, wife of Peter Hypki, Mexico

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Tags: Ethnos360 Magazine
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2022