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His blood spilled for me

I, Géguuta, greet you. Today I thank God because even though I was in the darkness long ago, I have seen light. I am walking in the strength of the light of God. God has shown me His truth.

From the time I was a child, when I first opened my eyes [began to understand things] I didn’t have understanding of anything other than the worship and fear of ancestral spirits. My parents brought me into the world of witchdoctors. All these things I had believed were the strength and identity of my people. But today, when I see the truth of God, I know that all of that is deception. It is a lie that truly comes from Satan.

It has been some time now since I heard the Word of God. It so happened that a man named Jim lived here in my village with his wife, Jan. I used to work at helping translate God’s Word with them. I started to study God’s Word and began to discern the truth. I saw that all of my life, from the time I was small until an adult, I was really believing a lie. Today I have seen God’s Truth. What I really desire is that many Balantas in all of this region would walk in this Truth.

I will recount for you this message that God spoke to John in the third chapter and sixteenth verse. He said God loved mankind to the greatest degree -- to the point of giving us His one Son whom He had put in His heart. He said if anyone believes in this one Son, he will never in the future be lost. He will surely have life everlasting with Him in His household.

Many people in this world go looking after dry wood. Or they go looking for clay from the river’s edge. These they take and they make it resemble something that they will worship like God. If you are living like this, please seek after God’s Word. God will enlighten you and put in His light and say to you the way you are behaving is not the truth. That is only the power of Satan. It is a lie that has no end. If a person lives in that lie, it will overcome him in the end.

God has completely done His work. Mankind does not need to work at anything else. The work that God did on our behalf is enough. Mankind has no right to try and add anything to it.
Why is that? The blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, was spilled on the ground. That blood was pure blood, resulting in the washing of all mankind’s sin completely. Man must not try to add anything before God. God made a solution once and for all. He offered His Son as a sacrifice. It is because of His blood that a person can stand before God and have fellowship with Him.

But if a person does not know this truth, he cannot see Him. Truly he is trying with his own solution. Lookout! Those who do this are making an error! In that error, it will bring you to judgment before God. It will be a very fiery judgment for you the day you die. And so for that reason, let’s all seek after God’s Word, and let’s live in God’s Word.

I will finish my story here. May God bring light to all the Balanta people.
Tags: Ethnos360 Magazine, West Africa,
POSTED ON Feb 01, 2010 by Géguuta, Balanta tribe, Senegal