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From Our CEO

Dear Friend,

In my younger years I was a builder. One of the parts of the building you don’t see (nor is it impressive) is the foundation. When was the last time you were looking at a potential house to buy and your realtor showed you pictures of the foundation? The evidence of a good foundation is seen as you tour the house and see a sound structure. 

The Brooklyn Bridge arches the East River to connect Manhattan and Brooklyn, carrying over 150,000 travelers per day. In 1872, three years into the project, the New York residents grew skeptical that the bridge would materialize since there was no evidence of any structure “above the water line” for the second tower of the bridge. However, the chief engineer wrote the following: “To such of the general public as might imagine that no work has been done on the New York Tower because they see no evidence of it above the water line, I should simply remark that the amount of masonry and concrete laid on that foundation is equal in quantity to the entire masonry of the Brooklyn Tower visible today above the waterline.”

In this issue we are featuring the care and process of laying a foundation for workers being sent out to plant churches. The planned structure determines the type of foundation needed. Many experienced church planters have defined what is needed to engage in this critical ministry, and Ethnos360 has training to incorporate the needed elements for a solid foundation so that a sound building can be added over time. Time taken here pays off great dividends! The Apostle Paul refers to himself as a wise master builder in 1 Cor. 3: 10. He says that there is no other foundation laid other than Jesus Christ. 

I am pleased to present this issue that focuses on the training that Ethnos360 provides for candidates preparing for the ministry. We place high value on training because we place high value on the building and development of the church.   

Yours in Christ,

Larry M. Brown, Ethnos360 CEO

Tags: Ethnos360 Magazine, From our CEO, Training
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2022 by Larry Brown, CEO, Ethnos360