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International Day for the Unreached is this Sunday! Learn More X

From Our CEO

Dear Friend,

This year we chose to step back from our usual format of reporting on so many exciting stories going on with our church planting teams around the world. It seemed with all the changes taking place around the world that it would be wise to gain a broader perspective on the task that lies ahead of us in reaching the remaining unreached people groups. 

In the first issue this year of Ethnos360 magazine, we defined and described the term unreached and the criteria we use to determine where to send workers. In the next issue we shared how the context of ministry within these unreached peoples is radically changing with unstable political climates, nearly 70 million refugees seeking to get out of harm’s way, high exposure to the internet and digital resources, worldviews positioned against the gospel and other factors. We shared both the commitment we as servants of the Church must have if we are going to impact the world for Christ and the sacrifice we need to be prepared to accept. 

I’m excited to present this issue to you. It talks about the incredible global team we are so blessed to be a part of as we labor together in Christ’s mandate to reach the world for Christ. We represent Ethnos360 in the United States, but we want you to see and appreciate the extended team we are part of. I know you will be encouraged as you read this issue and are reminded again that Christ is using His Church around the world and continues to fulfill His promise that He will build His Church! The day is fast approaching for Christ’s return, and I pray that He will find us deeply engaged in what He has asked us to do — to make disciples of all peoples.

Yours in Christ,

Larry Brown

Larry M. Brown, Ethnos360 CEO

Tags: Ethnos360 Magazine, From our CEO
POSTED ON Oct 01, 2021 by Larry Brown, CEO, Ethnos360