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Editor's Letter

When you’re flying over a jungle in a single-engine plane and the prop shears off, ripping the engine out of its mounts, it’s a good sign you’re in trouble. The next indication is engine oil spreading across the windshield, making it impossible to see. Then when the torn engine cowling begins beating violently against the side of the plane, your life flashes before your eyes.

Through the tiny side vent window, we spotted a small soccer field next to a tribal village, and our mission pilot was able to land. We spent that night on the floor of a tribal hut while hundreds of roaches ran over us, sleeplessly aware that guerrillas controlled this territory.

No part of this was in my carefully laid plans to return home to my family. We were overjoyed when a mission rescue plane landed on the makeshift airstrip to haul us home.

We all like to get where we are going, and we like to do it with no interruptions, no delays, no hardships, no breakdowns and no jungles. But that rarely happens.

In this issue of the magazine, you’re going to read about the carefully laid plans of New Tribes Mission. It’s a 71-year-old vision to reach the last tribe for Christ. And though deaths, kidnappings, sicknesses and plane crashes have worked against it over the years, the vision not only lives on, but is actually doable in this generation. Can we really reach the last tribe for Christ in this generation? Yes.

Read how in this issue of NTM@work.

Then ask yourself: How can I be involved in reaching people from every tongue, tribe and nation? Because that’s God’s vision. He is not willing that any should perish.

I want to count for Christ in my generation. That’s right now. How about you?

P.S. Let me know what you’re doing to reach the last tribe. 

Tags: Ethnos360 Magazine, The Editors Letter
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2013 by Macon Hare